In 1986 a word of prophecy revolutionised a small group of Christians who were meeting for prayer...
"Man has many dreams that they want to fulfil for Me...
...and because I have seen their hearts, I will allow them to fulfil those dreams...
But can I find a man who will stand still long enough to listen to Me?
for, you see, I have a dream that I want to see fulfilled in the midst of thee"
A few weeks later came the call of God!
"Take My power and presence back to the communities of Scotland"
Since then, more and more Christians are committing themselves to the vision and cause of Jesus Christ in this nation!
Scotland needs the transforming power and love of God
Scotland needs the King to rule in righteousness
Scotland needs Jesus!
Will YOU hear the call of God, and play your part in the vision to take God's power and presence back to the communities of Scotland?